
Having exported apples to more than two dozen countries, we are very experienced in shipping and logistics. We’re always searching for the most reliable, safest and most cost-effective total transportation solution for our customers. In some circumstances, we use refrigerated trucks or refrigerated railway systems to carefully transport our apples to your preferred US shipping port. Sometimes we engage the shipping line to bring an ocean container directly to a Michigan packing plant where it is loaded. We’re also able to handle multi-modal transportation solutions that involve different carriers and transportation modes including a US reefer truck to an ocean reefer container, then offloading to a reefer railway wagon in your country if you need transportation to an inland location.

Riveridge has a stellar reputation for shipping super-fresh apples! We’ll only support shipping arrangements that result in our apples being in transit for fewer than 100 days. We want you to get them in peak condition. In short: We work with shipping companies worldwide to get our high-quality apples safely to your door.